AAmmiinnuull RRaacchhmmaann PPuulluunnggaann

organizations, government agencies, local & multinationals companies in Malaysia. Conducting various ESQ leadership and character building public training & seminars using multimedia and audio visual aid to all the participants in Malaysia and Indonesia. Specialises in Marketing and business development, market penetration in coaching and training for Malaysia. Holding the post of Head – Training & Marketing Division of ESQ Leadership Center Sdn Bhd. January 2004 – April 2005: Unilevel Limited Specialises as Human Resource Manager November 2002 – December 2003, Steven R Covey, USA Specialises in conducting training on 7 habits Highly
Effective People – one of Licensed Trainer. Training Conducted
1. Conducted more than 200 ESQ Leadership Trainings between 2005 and 2011 for Public Training with total of 40,000 participants through out Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) and Singapore.
2. Conducted more than 70 In-house ESQ Leadership Training for Government Linked Companies, Corporate Organizations, Government Agencies all over Malaysia and Singapore
Consulting Involved directly in business consulting and conducting Accelerated Culture Transformation in Malaysia with one of the well-known companies under GLC conglomerate, namely DagangNet for successful 5 sessions of Mission Vision Values Meaning (MVVM) Workshop for their Top Management, Middle Management and Working Level in May – June 2011.